Thursday, May 01, 2008

Week One: Wednesday

Since I am a week into this, I will give you the titillating catch up of what has gone on so far:

Week one requires me to Run/Walk 25 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Since this started on a Wednesday I already inadvertently skipped the first day.

I set out from my house and ran down the street to the railroad tracks. There is a path that runs along the tracks that cuts between two somewhat major city streets. I head toward one of the streets, the goal being that I need to make it that far on day one. I succeed, however it feels like I am inhaling sand and exhaling fire.

I look at my ipod, which I need to use as a timepiece until I get a battery for the watch that would be perfect for this insane venture, and determine that I had run for 3 minutes.

I knew this was going to be hard. I may have underestimated just how hard.

I end up walking for about 20 more minutes among the city streets. I notice two separate groups of 3 guys in their driveways drinking beer. As I gasp for air I desperately want to be them.

I run the last 3 minutes back to the house. I try to watch a show, Human Giant, and every time I laugh I have a coughing fit.

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