Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Week Five: Wednesday

It has been officially 4 weeks since I started this so I figure now is the time to update you on my weight.

233 lbs. That’s 8 pounds off for you folks keeping track.

Although I want to lose weight, the ultimate goal of this is to run a marathon. Any weight I shed along the way will just make it easier for me because I will be lugging around less.

Today was kind of a small victory. I ran for 12 minutes and was really hot and my leg started to cramp so I walked for a couple minutes and then ran the last 8. The small victory was that I actually ran the last 8. After stopping it is kind of hard to get going for any long period of time.

Although I feel like the heat was a problem I am going to have to get used to it. I will be doing a majority of my runs in the summer during the day. I may start trying to run right after work more often just to start to get used to it.

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