Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Week Six: Wednesday

As it gets nicer out my newest challenge is the increased traffic on my very convenient running trail. On this run alone I braved an altercation between two women over lilacs, a large family with a particularly menacing child on a big wheel, numerous Lance Armstrongs, and a rouge lap dog that may or may not have wanted to trip me.

There is a benefit to the increased traffic. At lease there is something to observe and I usually feel like I need to get past people walking before I hear an “On your left!” in a condescending-masked-as-a-concerned tone from some biker. Of course there is the increased self consciousness that comes from the belief that people are wondering if I am a man or a woman with my man boobs flopping around. I know that is a grotesque image. Imagine the poor souls that have to witness it. I’ll be damned if I am going to wear a sports bra. If they don’t like it they should stay off my trail.

I may be exaggerating the man boob thing a little. I guess the only way to find out is to do a man on the path interview with one of these people. If I run out of material to write about soon expect that.

I got in my 25 minutes and I think I made it as far as I did the last time. Since it is so inexact I think I will just measure the distances when I need to run actual miles instead of time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better...after 3 kids you can hear your boobs flapping as you run up stairs. TMI?